As a note to all our admins here on Scarlet Memories,I thank You for you hard work!!
Scarlet Memories have reach 600+ Viewers in a span of 2 months!!!
As a little mini-prize -GRIN- I prepare you guys a special photo with my friend in Wonderland Online!!!!!
There a little gift from my friends,
Kixhiz as Sid -orange hair guy on left-Kinzai as Kurogane Juzo -brown hair guy on right-
Matt22139 as Rocco -dark blue hair guy in back-
Then me as Ameakani -white hair guy in front-
Heheh wanted to pull that one for some time HA HA HA HA
If its Shadow,then I know she might go turn her face or go liek "......."
Hope you have fun!!!
Keep up the good work admins!
Also as you may have known,I'll be working in the daytime,
Yes I'm still underage,
No I'm not broke or anything,
So I will be posting like now,at night according to U.S. time.
- IMPORTANT:Sparkle where is your Chapter 3!?
- 3 Admin approve that you didn't do it!
- No excuse,you don't do it,fine I'll get Cookie to do it in 1 day
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