Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Furture Road:Chapter 2: Natalie's POV-Cookie

After being sucked into the light. I was in some unknown world.... 
I saw mythical creatures everywhere. There were dragons, angels, demons, devils, elves, fairies AND SO MUCH MORE. I wanted to ask someone where is this place and wanted to go back home but i was too shy to. So I figured I would ask later. Then I realized something.........
Oh, wait a minute.....
As I took it out, I accidentally dropped it and it rolled........
COME BACK COOKIE!!!! I chased after it and a old man suddenly stepped on it....
I yelled MY COOKIE T-T
The old man said Sorry about that, but I have something for you...
A COOKIE???? :D I said
"Uh.... no.... I have come to tell you your prophecy and give you this... a staff as your weapon, it will evolve when u get stronger. your prophecy is... you will reunite with a old friend and meet someone like your brother."
My mind was filled with thoughts, how can I meet someone like my brother?? Will that person leave me like my brother did??
" My brother????? but my brother is-" 
"Sorry I must go now, follow that cookie and once it stops rolling you can eat it. It is a way of me saying sorry for stepping on your cookie."
" COOKIE!!!! " 
I ran to get my cookie but when I turned around to say thanks to the old man he disappeared...
oh well, I ran until my cookie stopped. I took a enormous bite of it. Then I turned around I saw 3 people staring at me... I said " WHAT, CAN'T A PERSON EAT A COOKIE??!!" Then I saw Sparkle. 
"SPARKLE :D" I said and ran up to hug her. "NATALIE" she said. Then I saw Starr from my class i said, "STARR???!!" There was another person I didn't know, she seemed like a shy girl. After Sparkle was introducing ourselves with each other. Sparkle said she was good drawer. Mana blushed. I said "I would like to see your drawings sometime :D". 
Later I realized my prophecy came true... But I ignored it. I found out that everyone got a weapon too and that we would have to earn money by fighting monsters. I said " LET'S GO FIGHT SOME MONSTERS :D". Then a gigantic monster came up. " NOT THAT BIG OF A MONSTER" I screamed. We all ran but it was no use. We had no choice but to fight it. It was fast and the strength was incredible too..
We were getting hit many times. We were getting weaker by the second. Is there any hope for survival for us??!!

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