Friday, February 4, 2011


Sup' everyone~ I come to say hi again!
So sry that yesterday I didn't come, I was playin a games somehow I think is fun.
Anyway, yesterday I did went to school and only two friend of mine is there, which everybody know who they are...
ther are.....they are.....Ace and Sparkle!
Tho it weren't so fun yesterday but it was soso.
And o yea~yesterday I read an article and I am proved not normal =( tho I wish I was normal but I am not normal.
Anyway,today is Friday! yay finally! I was waiting so long for it and finally it come! Tomorrow n the day after NO SCHOOL ~ HAPPY =)
I will go watch some anime now see ya ppl~ Wish everyone have a nice weekend!
(......I was also proven as a bipolar.....which I just did....I was sad be4 n now I am happy...Anyway BYE! cya Tomorrow!)

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