Friday, February 18, 2011

Shaodie here!

Hello ppl I am Shadow.
Long time no coming her but no one care anyway cuz all the viwers come for sSkyxi not me.
Viewers dropped when sSkyxi is not here.
Anyway, we (as in everyone in this blog ) have a midwinter recess.
Everyone is happy at least I think they r but except Ace cuz she have a special case but which I promised to not tell anyone without permission.
Sooooooo so sry.
Anyway, same as always, I feel bored.
I didn't know what I was doing.
Long time haven't post anything.
I think I will post somethin tom. about the .... well, can't say it. If ya wanna know u gotta come.
Tho I don't think anyone would be interested cuz I don't make a big difference.
Anyway, I don't know gotta depend on my mood tom. but there is 80% wait make that 85% that I will post somethin.
Wow, I write sooooo much already.
And o yea should listen to what cookie post. Tho I didn't listen to all (only one for exact n I didn't finish listenin) but anyway, it sound good. So if u r interested in music, u should go try it out.
Ima tired. Ima go take a shower n go sleepie.....bye bye guys..

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