Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Talk to Uke Sean From Future Road!!!-sSkyxi

Talk to Uke Sean from Future Road about Anything!!
   Have fun!!!!!!!!

Uke Sean

Sean Talking With Cookie ^_^ Awoooo~

Cookie:What are you like?
Sean:I-I'm s-shy  and I-I I AM SCARE OF STRANGERS!!-run away-
Cookie:No need to be shy wolfie ^_^ What do you like to do for fun?
Sean:-Hiding-S-Sleeping and eating cookie and candy
Cookie:Do wolves have to go to school? :D
Sean:o.o ............... u know what school is? ( asking these questions about school for fun XD)
Cookie:I see I see.Do you want me to tell you or not?
Sean:-Nod Shyly-
Cookie:School is a place to learn.
Sean:S-Sean no like s-studying
Cookie:I see I see.Where do u live? like a forest or cave? 
Sean:S-Sean no like d-darkness Sean live forest
Cookie:But isn't the forest dark?
Sean:S-Sean live s-sleep with other animals so Sean not s-scare
Cookie:I see I see.Do Sean like mana? :D
Sean:o.o stare....-blush-
Cookie:I mean like friend or master or u don't know her yet?
Sean:S-Sean like e-everyone but S-Sean no like betrayed 
Cookie:I see I see.Does Sean like being with master?
Sean: S-Sean like master.S-Sean w-with master fun
Cookie:Do u like all the other pets?
Sean:S-Sean like all of t-them
Cookie:Like Leo?
Sean:L-Leo fun but h-he lion
Cookie:What about him being a lion?
Sean:-nod nod- l-lion s-scary.
Cookie:Hes not scary once u get to know him ^_^
Sean:-Nod Nod-
Cookie:Do u like Starr's pet( forgot name)
Sean:Aqua-neechan i-is nice and f-fun
Cookie:I see I see.Do u like Ace's pet?
Sean: -Nod Nod-
Cookie:Do u like Sparkle's pet?
Sean:-Nod Nod-
Cookie:Do you like to fight with monsters?
Sean:-Nod Nod- S-Sean fight f-for master.
Cookie:Do u get along with master?
Sean: -Nod Nod- S-Sean sleepy.
Cookie:Ok.You go to sleep now. ^_^
Sean:-Nod Nod- Bye Bye Cookie-Neechan
Cookie:Bye Bye Sean

Comments From Cookie!
sSkyxi:Get the idea of it yet?
Cookie:Yup.It's fun ^_^
Cookie:It's like having your friend's little sister or brother talk to you.SO CUTE ^_^
sSkyxi:Haha I know right.

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