Saturday, February 19, 2011

Dr.S's Lesson II-Rules Of ActionS! -sSkyxi

For your information,Shadow,I made it up myself,except for the pictures
  Also I am doing a Lesson II.
For people who don't know,Dr.S Stand For Dr.sSkyxi for short
Rules Of Actions I-Playing Around With Your Hair
More like stroking but I can't find anything else
Meow~ If anyone ever stroke or play with your hair,it mean they think of you very Special.
  Or maybe just for fun to provoke you tee hee depend on how you think of it.

Rules Of Actions II-Holding Hands
 Well holding hands can mean a lot of things.
For lovers,just like saying I'll Never Let You Go.
For Friends,maybe just like I Hope You'll Never Leave Me.
For up-coming Lovers,just like a start toward Love.

Rules Of Actions III-Holding You On Your Waist

 For people who ever hug you onto your waist,it means they don't want to Lose You
Pretty romantic if it is for lovers ~

Rules Of Actions IV-Hugging Each Other
Caring Is Sharing!-Just feel like saying it-
If anyone hug you!It means that they Care For You A Lot

Rules Of Actions V-Smiling At Each Other
 If anyone ever smile at you,it means they Like You.
    Might be as a friend or as lovers!
Unless they are making a dark smile

Rules Of Actions VI-Avoiding Eye Contact
Dunno why he is in water...o.o
 If anyone ever try to avoid contacts with you,it means they are Hiding Their True Feelings
  Don't feel sad!Unless he/she is your arch enemy

Rules Of Actions VII-Crying 
 Don't hurt girl's feelings!Unless you are a girl too >.<
See anyone ever crying,it means they are sad that They've Lost You.
  Be a good dude or whatever and be nice!!

Well that is the end  of Dr.S's Lesson II!
  Hope you have Fun!

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