Monday, February 14, 2011


Oh god can u believe I won the selfy contest?
wow I actually won it!
well, it didn't make me happy only make me soso
Today at school there is 3 girls that pissed me off n I cursed
My godsh, my lesson is that don't pissed me off ir u will be so deaded.
I tried to be nice n stuff but they girls r like crazy.
Copyin answers, passin notes, textin, n they tried to take my folder by force today.
I tried to be blind n act like i see nothin but they pissed me off.
Anyway, don't wanna talk more about it or I go crazy again.
O well, I should be happy after all right? since I won.
( never been so pissed since the beginnin of the school year )
And o yea Happy valentine's Day
Say love ya to everyone u c ( not really )
Anyway, bye!

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