Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Star Sign Personality!!! -sSkyxi

Here in our show today we have: -drumroll-
Sparkle  and your current host here

This is the show to show what we know....yea I just did that so it rhyme....
  anyway on with the Show!!!

Current Guest: sSkyxi
So sSkyxi what is your Zodiac Sign? -I feel like a crazy person talking to myself-

So what is the Cancer's Personality?
Loving and Emotional   - WoW so true I cry easily-
Smooth and Confident  -Yea I should get tough or I'll get push around sooner or later-
Caring For Family  -Of Course I love my Family-
Home is a safe "shell" to Cancer   -Yea I always feel at ease at home-
Hold Grudge easily back in memories of childhood  -O Yea I do,I still remember when my dad whip me.....wait don't make me say that!-

Sorry folks thats all the time we have until next time we will interview......Sparkle!!!

And you get.....:
Suzuya From Starry Sky as Cancer

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