Thursday, January 20, 2011

Behind the......uh.....Blog -sSkyxi

Lalalala di~
  -In the shower-
   ----I think we're goin somewhere----
  ----We're onto somethin' good here,Outta mind Outta state Tryin to keep my head on Straight ----
-Glass window broke-
     ...Did I just hear a window break?....o well
  ----Theres only one thing left to do,drop all I have and  go with you----
-Bird fell down dead-
  ----Somewhere back there I left my worries all behind----
-People run and scream!!!-
  ----My problems fell outta the back of my mind----
-Car Crashes after hearing singing-
.......-get out of shower-  Huh? Why is it so quiet???

.........-News Headline: Mass Murder With Singing!!!-

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