Wednesday, June 8, 2011

sSkyxi Revival!

Hey everyone! It's sSkyxi!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes it's been so long since I post maybe a year or so?

@Shadow u r so dead if u gonna harass me again in Friday
@Sparkle YAY U POSTED!!!!!!
@Cookie Man lets get the joint story goin already
@Ace muwhahah I'll force you to post again soon in another class time

I'm here to tell you I have a lot of things to do!
Such as, my new blogs in other accounts Near Forma and Story Fiction!!
Next I still have MapleStory and FanFiction!!

I really don't have much time since summer is closing in and YES THAT DOESN'T MEAN I'LL DIE IN SUMMER! I STILL HAVE TO EAT BEFORE I DIE!!!

Anywya bye bye
Haven;t been here for a while

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