Thursday, January 12, 2012

Sparkle is back!

Ok! So, did you miss me?
Truth was, I lost my password...
Then, I lost my E-mail...
FINALLY, I found my password and my E-mail!
Whew! That took a long time!
Ehh... But I'm bored...
Hey....Where'd everyone go...?

Friday, June 10, 2011


Harrase? OMG when do I do that to u sSkyxi Sheesh!
Ugh how sad.....people keep saying me harrase when I did nothing but just having fun.
Sometimes I wanna punch their face except for my best friends which I is also members of this blog. I mention no names cuz I don't wanna hurt no body.
Ima es at home now. BORED. Tv.....watching for a long time, getting bored. Game....that (*&^#@ game won't let me in.... ugh anyway I guess I will go back to watch bored.
Cya people...........

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

sSkyxi Revival!

Hey everyone! It's sSkyxi!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes it's been so long since I post maybe a year or so?

@Shadow u r so dead if u gonna harass me again in Friday
@Sparkle YAY U POSTED!!!!!!
@Cookie Man lets get the joint story goin already
@Ace muwhahah I'll force you to post again soon in another class time

I'm here to tell you I have a lot of things to do!
Such as, my new blogs in other accounts Near Forma and Story Fiction!!
Next I still have MapleStory and FanFiction!!

I really don't have much time since summer is closing in and YES THAT DOESN'T MEAN I'LL DIE IN SUMMER! I STILL HAVE TO EAT BEFORE I DIE!!!

Anywya bye bye
Haven;t been here for a while

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Hi! WAHHHHHHHH~ I am turining bad... Guess where I am? I am in class now. Even though it's fee time, I feel bad coming here. Anyway yea. Just wanna say hi and that's it. I am bored. Ace and the others that's in class is watching anime. I don't know what to do.
Nah, gonna find something for myself. BYE!EVERYONE! -Blow a kiss- MUA~ LOL~ bye...

Monday, June 6, 2011


Hi everyone, I didn't post for like...... how long...... i don't remember but oh well anyway, ima backk. I just post right now because i feel like it. i won't be posting a lot though. not a all during the summer, well maybe one or two. well i gotta go byeeeee!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Hi guys~ Long tme no see
I think my last post was like 2 month or is it 1 month ago. That was long.
Yep, I have notice how late it was and tomorrow there's still school.
No one barely come here anymore..... This blog is like a ghost town or should I say ghost blog
Anyway, I am not posting that dream thingy as all of u guys who MIGHT be still coming but I don't think there is but ok.
It's getting closer to summer vacation. It's hard and burning.
I have no idea why I am so busy....Feel like I never have enough time.
Anyway......yea.......See you maybe around the summer vacation but don't expect nothing cuz even if it is summer vacation, it doesn't mean that I will post more.
( I am sorry, I do notice that my grammar is horrible here and that some are short cuts so people might don't know WTH I am writing)
Anyway......I have nothing more to say....actually, there's one more

I FEEL LIKE ONE OF MY FREIND ( I am not gonna mention names) IS TURNING BAD! SHE'S TURNING HORRIBLE, IN A WAY THAT I DON'T LIKE! IF SHE CONTINUES, I DON'T KNOW HOW LONG CAN THIS FRIENDSHIP LAST..... Phew man, I feel better. I kinda wish she sees it but kinda not but I don't know. Just go with the flow, go with the flow. BTW for some people's personal knowledge, we have no discussion of future road so far. We are all getting lazy. Can't think of anything and don't wanna think of anything. OMG is late! BYE! see ya around~

Monday, May 23, 2011

BOO HOO!!! -SparklexLovesxYou-

BOO HOO!!!! :(

Im the only one posting...


Im bored... -_-

Bored, Bored, Bored